Friday, April 29, 2016

FRR Backup path

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ansible 2.0 for Network Engineers - Getting Started

Well, enough of adoc scripting tcl/expect way, it is time to start using something more powerfull. After more then 10 years of tcl/expect I believe it is time to convert myself to python , ansible, jinja, paramiko and so on.
The problem is: How can I get into a fast pace as I have with older technology. The answer it ... I need to invest time and never look back ... :)

Getting started:
- Grab a centos machine and:
     yum install ansible - you should get version 2.0

- Install modules ...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

NetEnforcer Allot CLI Basic Commands

Here is a simple list of commands that will help drilling down allot sigma machines:

- acstat-sum -> total connections
- netstat -antp | grep LISTEN
- actype - show version
- netstat -an | find "80"
- acstat-sum  -->> connections
- go config view  ->  assymetric config
- go list host
- go list vlan
- go list vc [<-option> ].
- acstat -l vc | grep searchtag
- acstat -l pipe   - >>> ** PIPE LIST ** CONNECTION PER PIPE
- acmon -p 5.51 -r ---> traffic and connections per second for specific pipe

- acmon -y    -> asymmetric statistics
- acmon -x 0 -> prcessing unit (0 ou 1) traffic in a cc (core controller)
- acstat -E   ->>> WORKED!  ------> all for a specific external IP
- acstat -P  ->>> WORKED!  ------>  all for a specific internal IP
- acstat -P -M
- acstat -ifx | grep
- cat /proc/allot/infra/hw/status/*
- cat /proc/allot/infra/hw/network/*

The SG-Sigma E offers extreme performance valuesand comes in two models: SG-Sigma E6, using an ATCA standard 6 slots chassis, offers up to 64 Gbps, up to 20 million connections and a policy with up to 512 lines, 400,000 pipes and 800,000 VCs, when fully populated with 4 CC-300 blades. SG-Sigma E14, using an ATCA 14 slot chassis, offers up to 160Gbps, up to 50 million connections and a policy with up to 512 lines, 1,000,000 pipes and 2,000,000 VCs, when fully populated with 10 CC-300blades. These maximum values supported depend on the number of Core Controller blades deployed in each platform. The CC-200, used in the SGSigma, supports 15Gbps. The CC-300, used in the SG-Sigma E supports 16Gbps. Both types of blade support 5 million connections and a policy with 512 lines, 125,000 pipes and 250,000 VCs.